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#  Environmental data collected during a deployment of the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) in Fall, 2014 in Monterey Bay, CA
#  PI: Mary Ann Moran
#  Version: 2018-11-27
date      DMSPt        DMSPd_consumption_rate  DMSPd  chl_a        
20140922  137.6327159  28                      1.6    3.366535     
20140929  310.8444322  54.15                   4.3    7.200296667  
20141003  113.6295287  21.3                    8.3    2.590605     
20141006  203.259758   55.2                    6.7    4.346876667  
20141008  77.09260947  18.2                    1      1.985713333  
20141013  31.84495309  5.2                     0.6    0.834333333